Three day virtual workshop (25-27.10.2023)

Our meeting platform is MS Teams. To obtain a link contact Bartosz Naskręcki at

During this part the students will present their projects. We will also have a host of advanced talks by cybersecurity and computational mathematics experts.



Time slots Activity Wednesday (25.10) Thursday (26.10) Friday (27.10)
11:00 – 12:00 Lecture Daniel Wilusz: Blockchain Mika Hirvensalo: Quantum information Karol Bartkiewicz: Quantum Computing for Optimization
12:00-13:30 Students’ projects presentations Lenstra’s algorithm,

Patterson decryption algorithm,

Information Set Decoding,

Tensors and complexity of matrix multiplication,

3-SAT problem

Pollard’s Rho algorithm,

Calculating the rank of Elliptic Curves,

Isogeny graphs

Simulated annealing and hill climbing,

Linear cryptanalysis,

Quantum Walk Search Algorithm

Summary of the day